Trade Finance

- Documents related to Exports – a discussion on the finer points
- FEMA guidelines related to Exports & Export Finance
- Types of Export Finance – Pre shipment & Post shipment Running account Packing Credit – Clarifications & Bottlenecks
- Pre-defined queries pertaining to Export Finance to be resolved during the workshop for the benefit of all participants
- Comprehensive discussion on the LC Mechanism
- Understanding the commonly used Types of LCs
- Documentation under LC transactions- Relevance of UCP 600
- What constitute Discrepancies – Focus on Discrepancy Management
- Risks to be addressed during an LC transaction
- INCOTERMS 2020 & comparison with INCOTERMS 2010
- Role / Risk & Responsibilities of Importer & Exporter while using INCOTERMS
- Usage of appropriate INCOTERMS – Risks of making an error on the PO/Invoice
- Discussion on practical problems faced by member companies while handling various LC transactions across the world
- Understanding of the entire Bank Guarantee mechanism
- Relevance to Onerous Clauses & Open-ended clauses
- Practical significance of Not Withstanding Clause encouraged by RBI
- Meaning of Invocation and issues related to Claims under a BG
- Discussion on actual problems faced by companies while handling a BG transaction
- Understanding the concept of Trade Credit
- Buyers Credit – The mechanism / parties / risks
- Suppliers Credit – Why it’s different from Buyer’s Credit
- Relevance of Buyers Credit / Suppliers Credit in today’s scenario
- Discussion on FEMA guidelines related to External Commercial Borrowings Who could be a potential Lender to an Indian Company under an ECB Critical points to ensure Compliance under Utilization of ECB
- Obligations of a borrower company in India post Disbursement
- Relevance of a Valid Contract vis-à-vis a Purchase order / Prof. Invoice
- Risks & Mitigants in International Trade
- Significance of SWOT analysis while exploring International Markets
- What goes into a systematic Marketing Plan
- Concepts – Exports, Export Documents , Imports, Import Documents
- Financial Documents, Transport Documents, Regulatory Documents and Commercial Documents.
- Shipping & Logistics Management
- Pre & post shipment Procedure and Documentation
- Customs Procedures
- Procedures & Submission of Documents to Banks
- What are Financial Statements?
- What is Credit Assessment?
- Qualitative & Quantitative Risks in Credit Assessment
- Working Capital / Working Capital Gap & Assessment of Gap
- What are Ratios – Importance of Ratio Analysis?
- Cash Flow & Cash Flow Analysis
- Five C’s of credit Evaluation
- Types of Loans and Advances in Banking
Functional Program on Finance

Non Functional Trainings

- How to be polite & yet effective in Communication
- Importance of good communication
- Communicative Grammar
- Non Verbal Communication
- Listening Skill
- Success in reading
- Conversations in a variety of practical situations Language through routine work modules
- Letters/emails/notices writing
- What are interpersonal skills?
- What is language of integrity for better interpersonal relationship & rapport building?
- Why interpersonal skills are required?
- Tips to develop interpersonal skills Benefits of working in a group
- Group Dynamics Power of Listening
- Effective Presentation Techniques
- Connecting with Audience
- Presenting with confidence, passion and enthusiasm
- Designing a persuasive and convincing presentation
- Work Place ethics: Punctuality/responsibility/Integrity/Loyalty/Team
- Work/Dependability/Honesty/Positive attitude/ Professionalism
- Self motivation techniques
- Secrets of self motivation
- Character Building
- Personal Strength and Weakness
- Personality Types
- Self Discipline
- Decoding self confidence
- Self confidence cycle
- Techniques for building self confidence
- Non Assertive/Assertive/Aggressive
- Negative attitude /Positive attitude
- Define a problem: Evaluate/Develop/Implement
- Decision making process Questions: Open/Close/Probing/Leading/Inspiring Use silence
- Business Communication covering aspects on reading, writing, presenting and listening
- How to establish communication channels
- Verbal and Non Verbal Communication
- Types of conflicts
- Functional/Dysfunctional Consequences
- Symptoms of conflict
- Conflict resolution strategies
- Self Awareness
- Self Management
- Social Awareness
- Relationship Management
- What is Stress?
- External and Internal Stressors
- Types of Stress
- Stress Control
- Stress Management Techniques
- Time Management for personal and professional productivity
- Working smarter not harder
- Techniques and tools for time management
- What is Leadership?
- What are traits of good leaders?
- Leadership vs Management
- Exemplary Industry Leader – An Interaction
- A New Perspective for good Leadership
- What is a team?
- What are stages in team formation?
- Qualities a team member needs
- Build trust with diverse team members
- Improve interpersonal communication skills
- Qualities Team Leader needs
- What is negotiation?
- Customer attitudes
- Negotiation strategies
- Types of conflicts
- Functional/Dysfunctional Consequences
- Symptoms of conflict
- Conflict resolution strategies
- Case Study
- Self Awareness
- Self Management
- Social Awareness
- Relationship Management
- Work Place ethics: Punctuality/responsibility/Integrity/Loyalty/Team work/Dependability/Honesty/Postive attitude/Professionalism
- Self motivation techniques
- Secrets of self motivation
- Seven Steps to Success,
- 15 Habits of valuable employees
- A new perspective (thinking)
- Four Universal Laws of Success
- Enemies of Success
- Why we fail to achieve success in life
- Competetion Beyond Education
Motivational Programs